Power of the Purse (PoP) is a charitable giving circle that was formed under the Foundation in August of 2007. Founded by a group of eight, they decided to organize some of the most positive and intelligent women to network and strengthen our community by financially investing together and giving of their time and resources.
The group has since grown and invested over $433,000 back into the community. Power of the Purse continues to focus its' efforts towards programs that benefit women and children in the community.
To create a powerful leadership network of women who strengthen our commuity through a focused investment of their time, talent and treasure.
Goals of Power of the Purse:
- Make a difference in the community by contributing time, talents and monetary resources
- Encourage community among ourselves and those we serve
- Educate and increase awareness of local needs
- Encourage self-sufficiency and well-beling among those in need
- Build a network that is a catalyst for positive change
Grant Application:
Power of the Purse (PoP) is accepting grant applications for women's and children's emphasis projects. PoP will seek projects to receive major funding where those dollars can be placed in order to have the greatest significant impact on the needs and gowth of the Minot area.
Click HERE for application. All applications must be submitted to the Minot Area Community Foundation on or before September 30th, 2024.
Past Projects:
- Book Drive for DVCC, MAHC & YWCA
- Dakota Hope Clinic - Baby boutique
- Domestic Violence Crisis Center
- Children’s playroom
- Christmas gift drive
- Dream Catchers
- Full STEAM Ahead - After school enrichment program
- Head Start playground
- Hello Sunshine
- iCan Bike summer camp
- Independence Inc. - Wings for All
- Jim Hill Mystic Pantry
- Magic City Discovery Center - Cozy Cabin
- Magic Smiles Playground at Oak Park
- Minot Commission on Aging - Meals on Wheels
- Minot Public Schools Bus Pass Challenge
- Minot State Club of Physical Educators (MSCOPE) - Indoor recess kits
- Minot State University
- ASTEP program
- Scholarships for single women
- Northern Plains Children’s Advocacy Center - Group therapy room
- Prairie Grit Adaptive Sports - Wheelchair challenge
- Roosevelt Park Zoo - Discovery Barn
- Salvation Army - Food baskets
- Souris Valley United Way
- Backpack Buddies
- Dolly Parton Imagination Library
- Magic City Blessing Bank
- Sunnyside Elementary School - Summer STEAM Academy
- Taube Museum of Art - Gallery on Wheels
- The Difference -- A Holistic Approach
- The Sanctuary, Sober Living Home for Women
- Trinity Health Foundation - NICU parent room